Guest Blog | Roberto Lovato on the wisdom of acequias
Moderator’s Note: With the challenges facing us in all matters related to the survival of the dream of democracy, equality, sustainability, and resilience, the work of local place-based institutions that foster conviviality and economic livelihoods respecting these cherished American values becomes all the more relevant and important. We are pleased to present a photo essay by our friend and colleague, Roberto Lovato that was published this past November in the Craftsmanship Quarterly (Winter 2017) as part of a special thematic section on the “The Water Innovators.” We are reposting with the permission of the author. The link to the original is here . Mr. Lovato interviewed me for this story in Denver, Colorado for about two hours in October (2016). Many of the themes he explores are addressed further in my forthcoming book, The Last Common: Endangered Lands and Disappeared People in the Politics of Place. The acequias of Colorado and New Mexico are one facet of a fascinating ass...