Monsanto in Mexico | Who are the Mayan beekeepers? What do they claim? What do they want?
Artwork courtesy of Pagina Abierta . Indigenous beekeepers face ruin despite supposed rule of law MEXICAN AUTHORITIES COLLUDE WITH TRANSNATIONALS TO UNDERMINE COURT RULINGS Devon G. Peña | Seattle, WA | July 4, 2016 Who are the Mayan beekeepers leading the struggle against Monsanto’s GMO soybean plantings in the Mexican state of Campeche? This question is the most important one we can ask and answer in order to arrive at a deeper appreciation of the depth and historical nature of the challenges facing the indigenous consultation process that was ordered by the Supreme Court last year to resolve the dispute over the planting of transgenic soybeans in a core culture area of Mexican indigenous autonomy. The scientific claims articulated by the Indigenous beekeepers of Campeche are well-grounded and derive from thousands of years of actual observation, practice, and experimentation. Moreover, a growing body of scientific research directly and indirectly links a wide range of pesticides and...