GM(woes) | Urgent Time-Sensitive Call for Action on the DARK Act
Proposed S. 2609 by Roberts & Stabenow: Voluntary labeling discriminates against anyone on the wrong side of the Digital Divide Moderator’s Note: I want to make it clear: This is an Environmental Justice and Social Justice issue. The Senate is considering passage of the latest version of the notorious DARK (Deny a Right to Know) Act, a.k.a. S. 2609 and found here . This legislation is NOT a mandatory labeling law nor is it designed to work in an equitable manner. For example, the proposed legislation exploits the “Digital Divide” by using a system in which consumers must scan a “QR Code” (like that pictured directly above) on the product with a smartphone or similar device. The scan will then allow the consumer to visit a website with whatever misleading information is found in the self-regulating corporate digital ether. Only 68 percent of Americans own smartphones and this is the Digital Divide we need to emphasize in our statements of opposition ( Center for Foo...