Sin Maíz no Hay Paíz | Most Mexican corn still produced by small indigenous farmers
Source: Jovenes Emergencia Moderator’s Note: As we continue to monitor and analyze developments in Mexico related to the Sin Maíz no Hay Paíz (Without Corn, There is no Nation) movement, it seems appropriate to bring readers’ attention to a recent report that confirms the continued principal role of smallholder farmers (i.e., peasants) as producers of the corn directly consumed by Mexicans. Reporting in Red en Defensa del Maíz (Network in Defense of Maize) on June 26, 2015, Daniela Barragan with , notes that smallholder, mostly Indigenous farmers still constitute the majority of corn producers in Mexico: 85 percent. This is a significant fact because it suggests that – despite more than a decade of effort – the transnational biotechnology corporations like Monsanto have failed to completely displace the Indigenous and other traditional smallholder maize cultivators. However, the report also warns that these small farmers continue to face a condition of extreme pre...