
Showing posts from March, 2015

Monsanto in México: Four February court victories uphold Mexico’s ban on GMO corn

La colectiva del maíz prevails in four rulings against Monsanto, DuPont MORE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWS REMAIN ON CHALLENGES TO PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES Devon G. Peña | Seattle, WA | March 19, 2015 The legal battles over the existing ban on the planting of transgenic maize in Mexico continue to unfold with a string of four important court victories by anti-GMO activists. On February 28, 2015, the collective of social movement organizations known as Acción Colectiva del Maíz announced that they had secured four more favorable court decisions involving amparo (shelter) corporate challenges seeking to end the GMO corn ban in Mexico. These are pivotal victories but the group explains that more administrative and judicial reviews remain to be adjudicated, including five by Monsanto and Syngenta against the use of precautionary measures to manage the biosafety risks posed by transgenic corn. I last reported in 2014 how these decisions reveal a very significant shift in Mexico’s federal civil law ...