GEO Watch | Update on the Oregon GMO Labeling Vote
Moderator’s Note: Both Oregon and Colorado are voting on citizen-initiated referendums that would require the labeling of GMO foods. Colorado’s electorate is voting on Prop 105, which I endorsed and addressed in an October 10 editorial. Oregon voters are deciding the outcome with a vote on Measure 92 . Both laws are reasonable and sensible first stepa toward insuring the right to know and the ability for consumers to make educated choices about the foods they eat. Numerous editorials have come out in support of Oregon’s Measure 92 but Eecole Copen of Portland, Oregon, a registered dietician, has written the most compelling of these missives. Copen emphasizes the need for us to “look at the bigger picture” and this includes clearly addressing concerns about the effectiveness of the proposed law and the opponents’ unsubstantiated claims that labeling will increase the cost of food. Copen also provides an insightful analysis of the strategies being used by biotechnology corporation...