
Showing posts from August, 2014

Seed Sovereignty | Grassroots seed savers and libraries organize

Seed libraries are one strategy to avoid the compression of seed  biodiversity we have seen under the practices of commercial seed houses. Seed Library Social Network calls for discourse BIOPIRACY AND GMO BIOSAFETY MUST BE ADDRESSED Devon G. Peña | Las Colonias de San Pablo, CO | August 31, 2014 On August 5, I reported on the closing down of a seed library in Pennsylvania by the state’s Department of Agriculture.  A week later, August 13 , I posted an analysis and position paper on U.S. seed laws prepared by Sustainable Economies Law Center ( SELC ). Continuing with this series on Seed Sovereignty in the U.S., I am posting this call for a discussion of a National Seed Library Protocol prepared by Leslie Goldman affiliated with the Seed Library Social Network (SLSN). The call was posted on August 27 on the SLSN homepage . I have re-posted Leslie Goldman’s announcement and call for discussion below (unedited). Goldman also reports on initial email correspondence with state offi...

GEO Watch | Vandana Shiva responds to The New Yorker

Vandana Shiva Photo by Sander de Kraker Moderator’s Note: The August 25 issue of The New Yorker magazine included an article by Michael Specter attacking Vandana Shiva and her “fiery opposition to globalizatioand…genetically modified crops”(GMOs). Specter’s pro-GMO piece is a colonialist hack job that reminds me of Rudyard Kipling, writ: when he describes Indians as having “skin the color of burnt molasses and the texture of a well-worn saddle”, as if such a statement reflected anything other than an underlying sense of superiority and distant ‘exoticizing’ observation.   At best, Specter’s New Yorker report is what one colleague described as “meretricious” i.e., apparently attractive but having in reality no value or int egrity. I eagerly post Vandana Shiva’s own detailed response to Specter, which was posted earlier today to Seed Freedom and other websites. Seeds of Truth – A response to The New Yorker Dr. Vandana Shiva (A response to the article ‘Seeds of Doubt’ by Michael S...