March Against Monsanto | A Message from Vandana Shiva
Moderator’s Note: We are three days away from the global 2014 March Against Monsanto on May 24. Events and protests are planned in hundreds of cities across more than fifty countries. It will be another important day for political organizing, testimonials, educational workshops and classes, films, lectures, and much more. There will certainly be plenty of direct action protests. This year we have much to celebrate in the struggle for food democracy. There are multiple clear signs that the no-GMO movement is finally turning the tide against Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer CropScience, Dow Agriscience, and the rest of so-called Gene Giants. These include the successful passage of the Vermont labeling law last month; this week’s overwhelming voter support for the Jackson County, Oregon ban on transgenic crops; the ban on transgenic corn in Mexico in effect since October 2013 and upheld two months ago; another Mexican ruling against Monsanto, this one involving the planting of transgenic soybean...