
Showing posts from April, 2014

GEO Watch | Protegendisque scientifica

Art courtesy of Leonardo Solaas, Dreamlines (2006). Credit |   x-traonline Moderator’s Note: There are thousands in the professional ranks of scientists who have cast their lot with Monsanto et al under deals involving corporate sponsorship of research. When you are seen as selling out, and thus riddled with conflicts of interest, there are consequences: One is the erosion of the public credibility of scientists seen as blemished by their association with powerful corporate interests. As a result, they are increasingly plagued by a declining lack of legitimacy in the public sphere. Biotech scientists are increasingly perceived as servants of power guilty of “screening factual evidence”. Friends of the Earth (FOE) - Europe has released a report (see press release and links below) on GMO crops that describes in detail the structure of benefits accruing from the deployment of agricultural biotechnologies. There are few surprises here since the primary benefits continue to accrue to ...

Enacting post-capitalism | Series | 1

How do we make sure it does not reboot?  Photo Credit: Anticap . Moderator’s Note:  Most of us are aware that the recently  uncovered  Heartbleed virus has compromised the security of the OpenSSL cryptographic software used to program security for large interactive databases and user-site interfaces. My updated browser and blogging software verifies if the URL is trusted before I set the hypertext links, but not all sites have resolved this problem.  Before setting a hypertext link (like this one) in any posting, the software I use first verifies the site delivering the .pdf or html view can be trusted. I cannot, of course, guarantee that subsequent viral attacks will make these sites unsafe again, but I can promise to always make an earnest effort to verify the site can be trusted before I set a link. Readers and followers who do not trust this procedure are advised not to click on the hypertext links. Revolutions happen NOTES ON THE CRISIS OF NEOLIBERALISM ...