Food autonomy | Esther Vivas on the invisible work of women
Food sovereignty and biodiversity. Credit: Sourcewatch Moderator’s Note: As part of our occasional series on food autonomy, we are reposting this essay by alter-globalization activist, organizer, and author, Esther Vivas. Ms. Vivas argues in this piece that without women the world would go hungry. This operates at several levels including the unpaid and largely invisible work of reproduction, which is to say reproduction of tradition, customs, and all the other qualities that make for a whole way of life or ‘culture’. Vivas critically unpacks at the impact of neoliberal policies on women and their productive and reproductive labor. One especially significant issue is access to land since women are traditionally the smallholder subsistence farmers of their regions. The smallholders are often the first targets undermined by neoliberal policies designed to promote modernized industrialized agriculture for the production of cash crops for export. As the transition happens nations find...