GEO Watch | Mexican activists explain the ‘ban’ on GMO corn
Moderator’s Note: We are very pleased and privileged to bring this report on the situation in Mexico prepared by two of the activists involved in the lawsuit that recently led to a temporary suspension of the approval of any new GMO corn plantings in Mexico. Adelita San Vicente Tello is the General Director of Fundación Semillas de Vida , A.C. and representative of the collective action. René Sánchez Galindo General Director of Colectivas, A.C. and legal representative of the collective action. A wall in Mexico City. Credit: Contacto Gourmet Mexico stops GM maize with collective action LEGAL ACTION REQUIRES SOCIAL MOVEMENT PRESSURE Adelita San Vicente Tello | René Sánchez Galindo | Mexico City | November 21, 2013 This news has spread all over the country and around the world. Joy has filled the heart of thousands. From the cradle of this sacred plant we, the women and men of maize, reject the introduction of GMOs in our greatest bio-cultural heritage and thus, we strike a blow to tr...