
La Lucha por La Sierra | Scion of Texas Oil Barons Seeks to Overturn Historic Use Rights to the Sangre de Cristo Land Grant

Horno and La Sierra Common . On the horizon (L) is snow-covered 14,047 ft. high Culebra Peak, the heart of the 1844 Sangre de Cristo Land Grant and source of water for the famous acequia irrigated farms in the valley bellow. Photo courtesy of Devon G. Peña. Historic 2002 Colorado Supreme Court Ruling in Lobato v. Taylor is Under Appeal 30 YEAR-OLD SON OF TEXAS OIL BARONS SEEKS TO END LEGALLY ESTABLISHED USE RIGHTS OF MEXICAN LAND GRANT HEIRS Moderator’s Note: We are posting without further commentary or analysis a press release from the Land Rights Council (LRC) of San Luis, Colorado. On September 5, 2018, the LRC will have to defend common property use rights, yet again, before the Colorado Court of Appeals in Denver.   On September 5, after the court hearing before the Colorado Court of Appeals we will report on  the hearing  and initiate a serious analysis of the briefs filed before the court.   PRESS RELEASE FROM THE LAND RIGHTS COUNCIL Historic Lobato v. Taylor...

Biopiracy in Mexico | Foundation stealing wild beehives in Yucatán

Jobones. Courtesy of  Jorge Abeja . B eyond the GMO threat is the theft of biological resources BEEKEEPERS  ISSUE CONDEMNATION OF PRIVATE FOUNDATION Devon G. Peña | Seattle, WA | June 14, 2018 We have been reporting on the ongoing struggles of Mayan beekeepers for several years now ever since indigenous peoples filed suit against Monsanto, other corporations, and the Mexican government over the illegal planting of GMO corn, soy, and other crops despite a federal ban on these substances. To read more start with our posts of October 25, 2015 and the most recent of May 15, 2018 ; to find all our coverage, type “beekeepers” in the search window in the upper right-hand corner of this page. We have also reported on how GMOs are not the only threat to the Mayan beekeepers. We have pointed at deforestation—which is associated with a considerable amount of illegal logging and the expansion of agribusiness monoculture plantations—as another major menace to biocultural diversity and ind...